“Gender bias” still exists
What is true freedom? What is feminism?
Defy social norms, embrace your full potential, and claim the unlimited freedom of an unscripted life.

About me
Hey friend!
I’m Shu Matsuo Post, TED speaker, educator, investor and the author of I Took Her Name, where I share my experience of changing my name after marriage in my home country, Japan. I also took seven months of paternity leave from my full-time work when my wife and I welcomed our first child in the fall of 2020. As an advocate of feminism, I work with organizations on how to better promote gender equity in the workplace. I also teach students in Japan how to confront gender expectations to live a more vulnerabile, freer and wealthier life.
Feminism For Men
Lessons From My Journey Into Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Feminism
This book is the perfect mix of Shu’s own personal experience / views and data. This is a book I can strongly recommend not only to people who are already interested in feminism, but also for those that never came across the topic. Looking forward to the Japanese version of this book so that I can share it with more and more people !
Want a better understanding on what it means to be a feminist? This book progresses you through Matsuo-Post’s shocking journey in legal marriage and difficulty taking his wife’s last name in Japan. He took this as an opportunity to do his part and educate, grow and better understand himself, how he can help, and become the change we strive for.
The author’s brush with the societal and bureaucratic hurdles faced every day by women serves is a launching point for an open and often intimate discussion and challenges he faced and steps he took on his path to becoming a better man and finding ways to live out the values of gender equality.
As one of the co-organizers of the Tokyo 2021 Virtual Women's March, I was delighted by Mr. Matsuo-Post's participation as a guest speaker. His candidness and transparency about his journey of reckoning with sexism in Japan was refreshing to hear.
Hinah E M
My company hosted Shu as a guest speaker for our company’s weekly sustainability talk on the topic of “feminism and authenticity leading to a sustainable workplace and society”. From our communications I can say he is a professional with integrity and that it was a genuine pleasure to work with him.
Julie M.
This book is the perfect mix of Shu’s own personal experience / views and data.
This is a book I can strongly recommend not only to people who are already interested in feminism, but also for those that never came across the topic.
Looking forward to the Japanese version of this book so that I can share it with more and more people !
Want a better understanding on what it means to be a feminist? This book progresses you through Matsuo-Post’s shocking journey in legal marriage and difficulty taking his wife’s last name in Japan. He took this as an opportunity to do his part and educate, grow and better understand himself, how he can help, and become the change we strive for.
The author’s brush with the societal and bureaucratic hurdles faced every day by women serves is a launching point for an open and often intimate discussion and challenges he faced and steps he took on his path to becoming a better man and finding ways to live out the values of gender equality.
As one of the co-organizers of the Tokyo 2021 Virtual Women's March, I was delighted by Mr. Matsuo-Post's participation as a guest speaker. His candidness and transparency about his journey of reckoning with sexism in Japan was refreshing to hear. In sharing the actions he took to be true to his convictions, from documenting his experiences in a book and having challenging conversations with friends and peers to challenging the restrictive Japanese law on surnames in court, he provided listeners of all genders with a model they could aspire to and follow.
Hinah E. Mian
My company hosted Shu as a guest speaker for our company’s weekly sustainability talk on the topic of “feminism and authenticity leading to a sustainable workplace and society”. From our communications I can say he is a professional with integrity and that it was a genuine pleasure to work with him. Thanks to his many proposals and readiness to adapt to our needs we were able to prepare a worthwhile talk.
Shu’s engaging talk helped our participants to a better understanding of feminism and gender equality, and why it is important not only for women but also for men. I highly recommend his book and Shu as a speaker.
We received many positive comments from the participants. I will share a few of them: “Though the session was one and a half hours and seemed like it was going to be too long, the time passed by really fast. This really shows the topic was interesting and well brought.” “This talk helped me understand the link between feminism and sustainability better.” 「フェミニズミの核心を理解することができ、とてもスッキリした気持ちです。 女性と男性が平等である、つまり性別は関係なく「自分らしさ」であること、というのは今後、人に伝えていくときに大事にしたいキーワードだと思いました。」 「特に最初の日本の統計は想像と結構違って勉強になりました。そして皆さんの質問と意見を聞いても想像と違って、自分も思い込みが残っている部分があると気づきました。」
Julie Maertens